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Script Documentation FS 2015 - FSUtils (Patch 1.3)

Script Documentation Overview


Copyright (c) 2008-2015 GIANTS Software GmbH, Confidential, All Rights Reserved.
This document is to be published solely by ls-mods.de
1-- Copyright (C) GIANTS Software GmbH, Confidential, All Rights Reserved.
3local UPDATE_INDEX = 0;
4local KEEP_INDEX = 1;
5local SET_INDEX_TO_ZERO = 2;
11function Utils.cutFruitArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, destroySpray, destroySeedingWidth)
12 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
13 if ids == nil or ids.id == 0 then
14 return 0;
15 end
16 local id = ids.id;
17 local desc = FruitUtil.fruitIndexToDesc[fruitId];
18 local value = desc.cutState+1;
19 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
21 local detailId = g_currentMission.terrainDetailId;
22 local spraySum = 0;
23 if destroySpray then
24 setDensityMaskParams(detailId, "between", desc.minHarvestingGrowthState+1, desc.maxHarvestingGrowthState+1); -- add 1 since growth state 0 has density value 1
25 spraySum = setDensityMaskedParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.sprayChannel, 1, id, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels, 0);
26 setDensityMaskParams(detailId, "greater", 0);
27 end
28 if desc.useSeedingWidth and (destroySeedingWidth == nil or destroySeedingWidth) then
29 setDensityMaskParams(detailId, "between", desc.minHarvestingGrowthState+1, desc.maxHarvestingGrowthState+1); -- add 1 since growth state 0 has density value 1
30 local detailTypeValue = 2^g_currentMission.sowingChannel;
31 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, id, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels, detailTypeValue);
32 setDensityMaskParams(detailId, "greater", 0);
33 end
35 -- if no fruit is there, the value is 0 or 1, thus we need to shift by -1, to get values from 0-4, where 0 is no and 4 is full
36 setDensityReturnValueShift(id, -1);
37 setDensityCompareParams(id, "between", desc.minHarvestingGrowthState+1, desc.maxHarvestingGrowthState+1); -- add 1 since growth state 0 has density value 1
38 local pixelsSum, numPixels = setDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels, value);
39 setDensityCompareParams(id, "greater", -1);
40 setDensityReturnValueShift(id, 0);
41 if desc.allowsPartialGrowthState then
42 return pixelsSum / desc.maxHarvestingGrowthState, numPixels, spraySum;
43 else
44 return numPixels, numPixels, spraySum;
45 end
48function Utils.updateFruitWindrowArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, value, force, deleteFruit)
49 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
50 if ids == nil or ids.windrowId == 0 then
51 return 0;
52 end
53 local desc = FruitUtil.fruitIndexToDesc[fruitId];
54 local windrowId = ids.windrowId;
55 local maskId = ids.id;
56 local numMaskChannels = g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels;
57 if value < 0.1 then
58 maskId = windrowId;
59 numMaskChannels = g_currentMission.numWindrowChannels;
60 else
61 if maskId == 0 and not force then
62 return 0;
63 end
64 setDensityMaskParams(windrowId, "between", desc.minHarvestingGrowthState+1, desc.maxHarvestingGrowthState+1); -- add 1 since growth state 0 has density value 1
65 end
66 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(windrowId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
67 local ret=0;
68 if force then
69 if deleteFruit == nil or deleteFruit then
70 Utils.destroyOtherFruit(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ)
71 end
72 ret = setDensityParallelogram(windrowId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numWindrowChannels, value);
73 else
74 ret = setDensityMaskedParallelogram(windrowId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numWindrowChannels, maskId, 0, numMaskChannels, value);
75 end
76 setDensityMaskParams(windrowId, "greater", 0);
77 return ret;
80function Utils.switchFruitTypeArea(newFruitId, maskFruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, newValue)
81 local newIds = g_currentMission.fruits[newFruitId];
82 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[maskFruitId];
83 if newIds == nil or ids == nil or ids.id == 0 or newIds.id == 0 then
84 return;
85 end
86 local id = newIds.id;
87 local maskId = ids.id;
89 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
90 if newValue ~= nil then
91 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(maskId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels, maskId, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels, newValue);
92 end
93 -- change from old to new fruit type wherever the growthstate is > 0
94 setTypeIndexMaskedParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, maskId, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels);
97function Utils.destroyOtherFruit(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ)
98 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
99 if ids == nil or ids.id == 0 then
100 return;
101 end
102 local id = ids.id;
103 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
104 setDensityTypeIndexCompareMode(id, TYPE_COMPARE_NOTEQUAL);
105 setDensityCompareParams(id, "greater", 0);
106 setDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels, 0);
107 setDensityCompareParams(id, "greater", -1);
108 setDensityTypeIndexCompareMode(id, TYPE_COMPARE_EQUAL);
111function Utils.getFruitArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, allowPreparing)
112 if allowPreparing == nil then
113 allowPreparing = false;
114 end
115 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
116 if ids == nil or ids.id == 0 then
117 return 0, 0;
118 end
119 local id = ids.id;
120 local desc = FruitUtil.fruitIndexToDesc[fruitId];
121 setDensityReturnValueShift(id, -1);
122 setDensityCompareParams(id, "between", desc.minHarvestingGrowthState+1, desc.maxHarvestingGrowthState+1); -- add 1 since growth state 0 has density value 1
123 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
124 local ret, total = getDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels);
125 if allowPreparing and desc.minPreparingGrowthState >= 0 and desc.maxPreparingGrowthState >= 0 then
126 setDensityCompareParams(id, "between", desc.minPreparingGrowthState+1, desc.maxPreparingGrowthState+1); -- add 1 since growth state 0 has density value 1
127 local ret2, total2 = getDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels);
128 ret = ret + ret2;
129 total = total + total2;
130 end
131 setDensityCompareParams(id, "greater", -1);
132 setDensityReturnValueShift(id, 0);
133 return ret, total;
136function Utils.getFruitWindrowArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ)
137 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
138 if ids == nil or ids.windrowId == 0 then
139 return 0, 0;
140 end
141 local id = ids.windrowId;
142 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
143 local ret, _, total = getDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numWindrowChannels);
144 return ret, total;
147function Utils.updateCultivatorArea(startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, forced, commonForced, angle)
148 forced = Utils.getNoNil(forced, true);
149 commonForced = Utils.getNoNil(commonForced, true);
150 local detailId = g_currentMission.terrainDetailId;
151 Utils.updateDestroyCommonArea(startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, not commonForced);
153 local value = 2^g_currentMission.cultivatorChannel;
155 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(detailId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
157 setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", 0, 0, value, 0);
158 local _,areaBefore,_ = getDensityParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels);
159 setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", -1);
161 local area = 0;
162 local realArea = 0;
163 if forced then
164 area = area + setDensityParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, value);
165 if angle ~= nil then
166 setDensityParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleNumChannels, angle);
167 end
168 else
169 area = area + setDensityMaskedParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, value);
170 if angle ~= nil then
171 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleNumChannels, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, angle);
172 end
173 end
175 setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", 0, 0, value, 0);
176 local _,areaAfter,_ = getDensityParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels);
177 setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", -1);
179 realArea = areaAfter - areaBefore;
181 return realArea, area;
184function Utils.updatePloughArea(startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, forced, commonForced, angle)
185 forced = Utils.getNoNil(forced, true);
186 commonForced = Utils.getNoNil(commonForced, true);
187 local detailId = g_currentMission.terrainDetailId;
188 Utils.updateDestroyCommonArea(startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, not commonForced);
190 local value = 2^g_currentMission.ploughChannel;
192 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(detailId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
194 setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", 0, 0, value, 0);
195 local _,areaBefore,_ = getDensityParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels);
196 setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", -1);
198 local area = 0;
199 if forced then
200 area = area + setDensityParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, value);
201 if angle ~= nil then
202 setDensityParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleNumChannels, angle);
203 end
204 else
205 area = area + setDensityMaskedParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, value);
206 if angle ~= nil then
207 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleNumChannels, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, angle);
208 end
209 end
211 setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", 0, 0, value, 0);
212 local _,areaAfter,_ = getDensityParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels);
213 setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", -1);
215 realArea = areaAfter - areaBefore;
217 return realArea, area;
220function Utils.updateDestroyCommonArea(startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, limitToField)
221 limitToField = Utils.getNoNil(limitToField, false);
222 local detailId = g_currentMission.terrainDetailId;
223 -- destroy all fruits
224 for index, entry in pairs(g_currentMission.fruits) do
225 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(entry.id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
226 setDensityNewTypeIndexMode(entry.id, SET_INDEX_TO_ZERO);
227 setDensityTypeIndexCompareMode(entry.id, TYPE_COMPARE_NONE);
229 -- note: this asumes entry.id has the lowest channel offset
230 if limitToField then
231 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(entry.id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitDensityMapChannels, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, 0);
232 else
233 setDensityParallelogram(entry.id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitDensityMapChannels, 0);
234 end
236 setDensityNewTypeIndexMode(entry.id, UPDATE_INDEX);
237 setDensityTypeIndexCompareMode(entry.id, TYPE_COMPARE_EQUAL);
238 break;
239 end
240 -- destroy tyre tracks
241 if g_currentMission.tyreTrackSystem ~= nil then
242 g_currentMission.tyreTrackSystem:eraseParallelogram(startWorldX,startWorldZ, widthWorldX,widthWorldZ, heightWorldX,heightWorldZ);
243 end
244 --Utils.updateDensity(wheatId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, -1, 0);
245 --Utils.updateDensity(wheatCuttedShortId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, 0, 0);
246 for i=1, table.getn(g_currentMission.dynamicFoliageLayers) do
247 local id = g_currentMission.dynamicFoliageLayers[i];
248 local numChannels = getTerrainDetailNumChannels(id);
249 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
250 if limitToField then
251 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, numChannels, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, 0);
252 else
253 setDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, numChannels, 0);
254 end
255 end
258function Utils.updateSprayArea(startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ)
259 local detailId = g_currentMission.terrainDetailId;
261 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(detailId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
262 local _, numPixels = setDensityMaskedParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.sprayChannel, 1, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, 1.0);
263 return numPixels;
266function Utils.updateSowingArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, angle, useDirectPlanting)
268 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
269 if ids == nil or ids.id == 0 then
270 return 0;
271 end
272 angle = Utils.getNoNil(angle, 0);
273 useDirectPlanting = Utils.getNoNil(useDirectPlanting, false);
275 if g_currentMission.tyreTrackSystem ~= nil then
276 g_currentMission.tyreTrackSystem:eraseParallelogram(startWorldX,startWorldZ, widthWorldX,widthWorldZ, heightWorldX,heightWorldZ);
277 end
279 local desc = FruitUtil.fruitIndexToDesc[fruitId];
281 local detailId = g_currentMission.terrainDetailId;
282 local sowingAddChannel;
283 if desc.useSeedingWidth then
284 sowingAddChannel = g_currentMission.sowingWidthChannel;
285 else
286 sowingAddChannel = g_currentMission.sowingChannel;
287 end
288 local excludeMask = 0;
289 if not useDirectPlanting then
290 excludeMask = 2^g_currentMission.sowingChannel + 2^g_currentMission.sowingWidthChannel;
291 end
292 local cultivatorChannel = g_currentMission.cultivatorChannel;
293 local ploughChannel = g_currentMission.ploughChannel;
295 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(ids.id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
297 local plantValue = 1;
299 -- plant the fruit
300 setDensityMaskParams(ids.id, "greater", 0, 0, 0, excludeMask);
301 -- change fruit twice, once with values greater than the plant value and once with values smaller than the plant value (==0)
302 -- do not change (and count) the already planted areas
303 setDensityCompareParams(ids.id, "greater", plantValue);
304 -- Note: we plant numFruitDensityMapChannels, to destroy windrows etc.
305 local _,numPixels1 = setDensityMaskedParallelogram(ids.id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitDensityMapChannels, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, plantValue);
306 setDensityCompareParams(ids.id, "equals", 0);
307 local _,numPixels2, totalPixels = setDensityMaskedParallelogram(ids.id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitDensityMapChannels, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, plantValue);
308 setDensityCompareParams(ids.id, "greater", -1);
310 local numPixels = numPixels1 + numPixels2;
311 setDensityMaskParams(ids.id, "greater", 0);
313 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(detailId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
315 -- add the sowing area and remove the other types
316 local value = 2^sowingAddChannel;
317 if fruitId == FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_GRASS then
318 value = 0;
319 end
320 setDensityMaskParams(detailId, "greater", 0, 0, 0, excludeMask);
321 local _, numDetailPixels = setDensityMaskedParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, detailId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels, value);
322 setDensityMaskParams(detailId, "greater", 0);
323 if value > 0 then
324 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(detailId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleNumChannels, detailId, sowingAddChannel, 1, angle);
325 end
327 return numPixels, numDetailPixels;
330function Utils.updateMeadowArea(startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, dropWindrow)
331 if dropWindrow == nil or dropWindrow then
332 Utils.updateFruitWindrowArea(FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_GRASS, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, 1)
333 end
334 return Utils.cutFruitArea(FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_GRASS, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, true, true)
337function Utils.updateCuttedMeadowArea(startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ)
338 -- regrow grass where we have windrows and cut long of type grass
339 --Utils.setGrowthStateAtWindrowArea(FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_GRASS, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_GRASS, 1)
341 local area = Utils.updateFruitWindrowArea(FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_GRASS, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, 0);
343 -- regrow grass where we have windrows and cut long of type dryGrass
344 --Utils.setGrowthStateAtWindrowArea(FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_DRYGRASS, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_GRASS, 1)
346 -- pick up the dryGrass, this now is of type grass, as the above two commands changed the fruit type to grass
347 area = area+ Utils.updateFruitWindrowArea(FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_DRYGRASS, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, 0);
349 -- now that we removed the cut long and windrow, maybe there is some hidden drygrass to grow (set it to growth state 1 if there is some)
350 Utils.switchFruitTypeArea(FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_GRASS, FruitUtil.FRUITTYPE_DRYGRASS, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, 1);
352 return area;
355function Utils.updateFruitPreparerArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, startDropWorldX, startDropWorldZ, widthDropWorldX, widthDropWorldZ, heightDropWorldX, heightDropWorldZ)
356 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
357 if ids == nil or ids.id == 0 then
358 return 0;
359 end
360 local desc = FruitUtil.fruitIndexToDesc[fruitId];
362 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(ids.id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
364 setDensityCompareParams(ids.id, "between", desc.minPreparingGrowthState+1, desc.maxPreparingGrowthState+1); -- add 1 since growth state 0 has density value 1
365 local _, numChangedPixels = setDensityParallelogram(ids.id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels, desc.preparedGrowthState+1);
366 setDensityCompareParams(ids.id, "greater", -1);
368 if ids.preparingOutputId ~= 0 and numChangedPixels > 0 then
369 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(ids.preparingOutputId, startDropWorldX, startDropWorldZ, widthDropWorldX, widthDropWorldZ, heightDropWorldX, heightDropWorldZ);
370 -- place preparing output only were we have any fruit
371 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(ids.preparingOutputId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, 1, ids.id, 0, g_currentMission.numFruitStateChannels, 1);
372 end
374 return numChangedPixels;
378function Utils.removeGroundValueArea(id, firstChannel, numChannels, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, valueToLeave)
380 if id == 0 then
381 return 0;
382 end
384 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
386 --setDensityReturnValueShift(id, -1);
387 local valueRemoved, numPixels;
388 if valueToLeave <= 0 then
389 valueRemoved, numPixels = setDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, firstChannel, numChannels, 0);
390 else
391 setDensityMaskParams(id, "greater", valueToLeave);
392 local oldSum, total = setDensityMaskedParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, firstChannel, numChannels, id, firstChannel, numChannels, valueToLeave);
393 setDensityMaskParams(id, "greater", 0);
394 valueRemoved = oldSum - valueToLeave*total;
395 numPixels = total;
396 end
397 --setDensityReturnValueShift(id, 0);
399 return valueRemoved, numPixels;
402function Utils.addGroundValueArea(id, firstChannel, numChannels, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, totalAmount)
403 if totalAmount <= 0 or id == 0 then
404 return 0,0,0,0;
405 end
406 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
407 local numAdded = 0;
408 local roundingError = 0;
409 local amountPerPixel = 0;
410 local numPixels = getDensityParallelogramArea(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ);
411 if numPixels > 0 then
412 amountPerPixel = math.floor(totalAmount/numPixels);
413 if amountPerPixel > 0 then
414 local _,_,totalDelta = addDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, firstChannel, numChannels, amountPerPixel);
415 numAdded = totalDelta;
416 end
417 roundingError = totalAmount - amountPerPixel*numPixels;
418 end
419 return numAdded, numPixels, amountPerPixel, roundingError;
422function Utils.addGroundValueAreaPerPixel(id, firstChannel, numChannels, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, amountPerPixel)
423 if amountPerPixel <= 0 then
424 return 0;
425 end
426 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
427 local _,_,numAdded = addDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, firstChannel, numChannels, amountPerPixel);
428 return numAdded;
431-- unused
434function Utils.updateFruitCutShortArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, value)
435 --[[local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
436 if ids == nil or ids.cutShortId == 0 then
437 return 0;
438 end
439 local desc = FruitUtil.fruitIndexToDesc[fruitId];
440 local cutShortId = ids.cutShortId;
441 local maskId = ids.id;
442 local numMaskChannels = 3;
443 if value < 0.1 then
444 maskId = cutShortId;
445 numMaskChannels = 1;
446 else
447 if maskId == 0 then
448 return 0;
449 end
450 setDensityMaskParams(cutShortId, "greater", desc.minHarvestingGrowthState);
451 end
452 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(cutShortId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
453 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(cutShortId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, 1, maskId, 0, numMaskChannels, value);
454 setDensityMaskParams(cutShortId, "greater", 0);]]
457function Utils.updateFruitCutLongArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, value, force, deleteFruit)
458 --[[local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
459 if ids == nil or ids.cutLongId == 0 then
460 return 0;
461 end
462 local cutLongId = ids.cutLongId;
463 local maskId = ids.id;
464 local numMaskChannels = 3;
465 if value < 0.1 then
466 maskId = cutLongId;
467 numMaskChannels = 2;
468 else
469 if maskId == 0 and not force then
470 return 0;
471 end
472 setDensityMaskParams(cutLongId, "greater", 1);
473 end
474 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(cutLongId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
475 local ret=0;
476 if force then
477 if deleteFruit == nil or deleteFruit then
478 if ids.id ~= 0 then
479 setDensityParallelogram(ids.id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, 3, 0);
480 end
481 end
482 if ids.windrowId ~= 0 then
483 setDensityParallelogram(ids.windrowId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, 2, 0);
484 end
485 ret = setDensityParallelogram(cutLongId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, 2, value);
486 else
487 ret = setDensityMaskedParallelogram(cutLongId, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, 2, maskId, 0, numMaskChannels, value);
488 end
489 setDensityMaskParams(cutLongId, "greater", 0);
490 return ret;]]
491 return 0;
494function Utils.getFruitCutLongArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ)
495 --[[local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
496 if ids == nil or ids.cutLongId == 0 then
497 return 0, 0;
498 end
499 local id = ids.cutLongId;
500 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
501 local ret, total = getDensityParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, 2);
502 return ret, total;]]
503 return 0,0;
507--[[function Utils.setGrowthStateAtCutLongArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, newFruitId, value)
508 local newIds = g_currentMission.fruits[newFruitId];
509 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
510 if newIds == nil or ids == nil or ids.cutLongId == 0 or newIds.id == 0 then
511 return;
512 end
513 local id = newIds.id;
514 local maskId = ids.cutLongId;
516 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
517 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, 3, maskId, 0, 2, value);
520function Utils.setGrowthStateAtWindrowArea(fruitId, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ, newFruitId, value)
521 local newIds = g_currentMission.fruits[newFruitId];
522 local ids = g_currentMission.fruits[fruitId];
523 if newIds == nil or ids == nil or ids.windrowId == 0 or newIds.id == 0 then
524 return;
525 end
526 local id = newIds.id;
527 local maskId = ids.windrowId;
529 local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(id, startWorldX, startWorldZ, widthWorldX, widthWorldZ, heightWorldX, heightWorldZ);
530 setDensityMaskedParallelogram(id, x, z, widthX, widthZ, heightX, heightZ, 0, 3, maskId, 0, 2, value);
533function Utils.getTyreTrackColorFromDensityBits(densityBits)
534 -- TODO: use densityBits and g_currentMission.cultivatorChannel, g_currentMission.ploughChannel etc. to determine color
535 -- should return r,g,b,a where a is softness (1.0 = make deep tyre tracks, 0.0 = make shallow tyre tracks)
536 -- current value is the same as the terrain dirt layer
537 return 0.247,0.191,0.145,1;
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