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Script Dokumentation LS 2015 - SowingMachineAreaEvent (Patch 1.3)

Script Dokumentation Übersicht


Copyright (c) 2008-2015 GIANTS Software GmbH, Confidential, All Rights Reserved.
This document is to be published solely by ls-mods.de
1-- Copyright (C) GIANTS Software GmbH, Confidential, All Rights Reserved.
3SowingMachineAreaEvent = {};
4SowingMachineAreaEvent_mt = Class(SowingMachineAreaEvent, Event);
6InitStaticEventClass(SowingMachineAreaEvent, "SowingMachineAreaEvent", EventIds.EVENT_SOWING_MACHINE_AREA);
8function SowingMachineAreaEvent:emptyNew()
9 local self = Event:new(SowingMachineAreaEvent_mt);
10 return self;
13function SowingMachineAreaEvent:new(workAreas, seed, angle, useDirectPlanting)
14 local self = SowingMachineAreaEvent:emptyNew()
15 self.workAreas = workAreas;
16 self.seed = seed;
17 self.angle = Utils.getNoNil(angle, 0);
18 self.useDirectPlanting = Utils.getNoNil(useDirectPlanting, false);
19 return self;
22function SowingMachineAreaEvent:readStream(streamId, connection)
23 local angle = streamReadUIntN(streamId, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleNumChannels);
24 local numAreas = streamReadUIntN(streamId, 4);
25 local seed = streamReadUIntN(streamId, FruitUtil.sendNumBits);
26 local useDirectPlanting = streamReadBool(streamId);
28 local refX = streamReadFloat32(streamId);
29 local refY = streamReadFloat32(streamId);
30 local values = Utils.readCompressed2DVectors(streamId, refX, refY, numAreas*3-1, 0.01, true);
31 for i=1,numAreas do
32 local vi = i-1;
33 local x = values[vi*3+1].x;
34 local z = values[vi*3+1].y;
35 local x1 = values[vi*3+2].x;
36 local z1 = values[vi*3+2].y;
37 local x2 = values[vi*3+3].x;
38 local z2 = values[vi*3+3].y;
39 Utils.updateSowingArea(seed, x, z, x1, z1, x2, z2, angle, useDirectPlanting);
40 end;
43function SowingMachineAreaEvent:writeStream(streamId, connection)
44 streamWriteUIntN(streamId, self.angle, g_currentMission.terrainDetailAngleNumChannels);
45 local numAreas = table.getn(self.workAreas);
46 streamWriteUIntN(streamId, numAreas, 4);
47 streamWriteUIntN(streamId, self.seed, FruitUtil.sendNumBits);
48 streamWriteBool(streamId, self.useDirectPlanting);
50 local refX, refY;
51 local values = {};
52 for i=1, numAreas do
53 local d = self.workAreas[i];
54 if i==1 then
55 refX = d[1];
56 refY = d[2];
57 streamWriteFloat32(streamId, d[1]);
58 streamWriteFloat32(streamId, d[2]);
59 else
60 table.insert(values, {x=d[1], y=d[2]});
61 end;
62 table.insert(values, {x=d[3], y=d[4]});
63 table.insert(values, {x=d[5], y=d[6]});
64 end;
65 assert(table.getn(values) == numAreas*3 - 1);
66 Utils.writeCompressed2DVectors(streamId, refX, refY, values, 0.01);
69function SowingMachineAreaEvent:run(connection)
70 print("Error: do not run SowingMachineAreaEvent locally");
73function SowingMachineAreaEvent.runLocally(workAreas, seed, angle, useDirectPlanting)
75 local numAreas = table.getn(workAreas);
77 local refX, refY;
78 local values = {};
79 for i=1, numAreas do
80 local d = workAreas[i];
81 if i==1 then
82 refX = d[1];
83 refY = d[2];
84 else
85 table.insert(values, {x=d[1], y=d[2]});
86 end;
87 table.insert(values, {x=d[3], y=d[4]});
88 table.insert(values, {x=d[5], y=d[6]});
89 end;
90 assert(table.getn(values) == numAreas*3 - 1);
92 local values = Utils.simWriteCompressed2DVectors(refX, refY, values, 0.01, true);
94 local area = 0;
95 local densityArea = 0;
96 for i=1, numAreas do
97 local vi = i-1;
98 local x = values[vi*3+1].x;
99 local z = values[vi*3+1].y;
100 local x1 = values[vi*3+2].x;
101 local z1 = values[vi*3+2].y;
102 local x2 = values[vi*3+3].x;
103 local z2 = values[vi*3+3].y;
104 local areaI, densityAreaI = Utils.updateSowingArea(seed, x, z, x1, z1, x2, z2, angle, useDirectPlanting);
105 area = area + areaI;
106 densityArea = densityArea + densityAreaI;
107 end;
108 return area, densityArea;
Copyright (c) 2008-2015 GIANTS Software GmbH, Confidential, All Rights Reserved.
This document is to be published solely by ls-mods.de
Script Dokumentation Übersicht